Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It's Been A Long Time!


It's been way too long since I updated this blog! I plan to write much more frequently and touch on lots of issues. This last year has been very profound and I feel I've grown a great amount. I am thankful for the ups as well as the downs, as they are both great teachers.

About 14 months ago I picked up a wonderful book called "Letting Go of Anger". I had never thought of myself as an angry person, but that book really opened my eyes to all of the different forms of anger. I realized how much anger I did have inside me and how it had permeated all facets of my life. I worked very hard over the next few months to conquer my demons, or ateast to severely cripple them. Looking back, Im proud I made it this far, but I still have unhealty anger that slips in from time to time....

I heard a quote the other day that "Anger is an expensive luxury" I thought that was a very fitting quote. You see, when we get mad, we move quicker, do not think things through logically, and are prone to mistakes and injury. The price of losing your temper is often much higher than you may think. I bring this up because i experienced this first hand last week. I was trying to use a pay phone because my cell was dead. I put my money in and dialed the number, only to be cut off and my four quarters stolen. I called the operator who explained that the phone was known to be broken for weeks, but that she could not refund my money/make the call because the phone was independently owned. This got me angry to think the owner of the phone was knowingly stealing from people, and most likely preying on lower income people who could not afford cell phones.

I still think that is very wrong, but I reacted the wrong way.. I found myself getting very angry.. cussing, muttering under my breath, etc.. all the traits I'd worked so hard to get rid of! So i go to the next phone and make my call (still angry) and then drive off in a still foul mood. My mood soon become much more somber when i realized I had left my wallet on top of the pay phone! I hurried back, but to no avail. The wallet was gone along with my money,credit cards, and license. I surprisingly didnt even get upset because I realized it was my own fault for being so reactive of a relatively minor issue.

I hope everyone can see how expensive and destructive anger is, and maybe it'll save you from losing your wallet (or worse) in the future! Have a wonderful Cinco De Mayo!
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