Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sometimes a Weakness is really a Strength in disguise......

Hello everyone,

I'm back for my first "real entry" to this blog. I thought this entry might be appropriate. Whenever there seems to be a roadblock in my way, Im often reminded of a memory from when I was a young child and in the Ist grade. I started having a fairly severe stuttering problem. It seemed to come out of nowhere and caught me by surprise. Soon my classmates were making fun of me behind the teachers back and I started to fall behind. I had problems reading aloud and teachers were considering holdin me back. It bothered me to feel like I had this defect or something

I was assigned a speech therapist and had leave class an hour a day. At first, I was embarrased to be called out of class every day to go to the "special class". The teacher said she thought I stuttered was because I had so many thoughts running in in my head at the same time, and that I couldn't get them out quick enough.

I worked with her everyday as we did excercises and practiced slowing down my speech. It was tedious work and I often got frustrated. remember that even while at home, I would repeat every sentence I had just said aloud underneath my breath (I wasn't told to do this , but it seemed to help). Slowly but surely my stuttering began to subside and I started doing well again.

I passed the 1st grade. By 4th grade I was put into another special class...but this time it was the academically gifted class for English! Now, twice a week I would leave class to do fun things that involved language. It felt nice to go from being"disabled" to being acknowledged. would learn later that my former weakness would become a huge seed of strength for me.

To this day, I can't help but think of this story a few times a week. You see, I'm known a very good "freestyle" artist in hip-hop circles. This involves rapping whatever comes to your head in an unrehearsed and organic manner.. My disabilities ofyouth have turned into my major strength as I follow my music dream! I still have a million thoughts running in my head at once, as always, but now atleast I can harness em and produce some really good freestyles (and hopefully some good blog entries).

It's so important for us to recognize that sometimes we view a problem ,but in reality its a strength that we just havent found a use for. I felt cursed because of my stuttering, but it was really God's way of giving me a valuable gift Whenever you feel you feel you have a weakness or defect, just ask yourself.... "How can I turn this into a positive that can lead me to success"? I thank my readers for allowing me to share this story and I look forward to sharing many more!


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Welcome Everyone!

Hello everyone,

I realize I'm probably writing this first blog to myself, seeing as I don't have any loyal readers yet. I hope to grow and become a better writter so that my future readers can gain some perspective and hope from my words. I've learned that sometimes the most pedestrian begginnings can lead to truly great things if you work at them, so I plan to put my heart and soul into this and give people a window into how I see life.

I honestly believe that we're all walking on that "Edge Of Success" and that many times we're just a step or two away from realizing all our dreams. Even when times seem hard, there's always a door that is waiting to be opened if we just look for it. I've been through alot in my life, but I realize that the tough situations have shown me the power of perservearance and dedication in the eye of calamity. Life is a test, but we call all pass it and find happiness and fulfillment... I hope you will walk with me on my journey to that place.

I plan to give you an honest perspective from a young man who feels he is destined to help people find their path in life, but yet sometimes loses the compass to find a way out himself. I know I'm not perfect, but I try to strive for my best and stay hopeful in the path of adversity. Sometimes I wish I had done things differently and start to feel regrets. I think we all have these same feelings from time to time, but we can't live in the past and we must realize we hold our future in our own hands. I KNOW WE ALL have the capacity to find meaning and direction in life, no matter what storms may come our way.

So, I guess I should probably tell you guys a little about myself.... I'm a 27 year old living in North Carolina. I've got very serious aspirations of becoming a successful musician as well as life-coach for many people. Music is my passion and I feel I've been given a gift of expression that very few people have. At the same time, I feel I've taken that same gift for granted at times and have lost focus of the big picture. I honestly thought my musical career would be alot further along by now, but I'm still confident that the right time is around the corner. I just wanna reach people and make a difference on this earth. The monetary success is secondary to helping people and I'll always stand by that.

That's why this blog is so important to me. It gives me an outlet to express the things I feel and the thougts I have. When I write lyrics I am trying to do the same thing, so im gonna work hard to give readers a look into my soul. I plan to improve as a writer and hopefully give read people a fresh way of looking at some things.

I look forward to making this the best blog it can be and I urge my readers to let me know what they think of it! Good Luck and God Bless.